Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Re: "Keep your laws out of my body"

This post is in response to Evan's blog concerning abortion. I agree that someone's sexual and reproductive rights are their own, and are not to be dictated to them by a government. The Supreme Court set the precedent of privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut, and backed it up in Roe v. Wade. The Women's Rights movement in this country is still very young. We are underrepresented in every level of government. It is scary to think that the majority of those who are making laws-- abortion laws in particular-- do not own a womb and will never know what it's like.

Abortion has been a controversial option of birth control for a long, long time. It needn't be such a divisive issue. I truly think it comes down to the question of equality. If having intercourse caused a man to develop a life-sucking tumor in his abdomen, he would be able to cure it. Women should have the option to decide whether or not to keep the tumor. The lines get blurry as to when the government has a stake in the wellbeing of that tumor. At some point, it can survive without the mother. The tumor then deserves all of the protections of its government.

Also, studies in population growth show a decline in birthrate when young girls are educated to the 4th grade level. It is important to teach and empower young women, so that they can make healthy decisions regarding birth control and sexual activity. I think we do a disservice to young people when we degrade the act of sex by claiming it immoral and corrupt. Adolescence is difficult and confusing enough... It would be awesome to see Sex Ed. classes be more unbiased, and for them to even include curriculum for the gay/lesbian and transgendered kids. Openness, honesty, and actual useful information would make for a whole, healthy society.

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