Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rush: A destructive force for Republicans

I am writing in response to "Rush Limbaugh Influential Clout," in which the author raises his/her concerns about Rush Limbaugh and his influence within the Republican party. I agree that the Republican party is on a path of self-destruction. The evidence is that they have lost the Senate, House, and Executive. It doesn't look hopeful for them in the 2010 elections either. It is unfortunate for the party that someone like Mr. Limbaugh has taken it upon himself to speak on behalf of the Republicans.
In my opinion, his popularity ties in with what we've learned about our uninformed electorate. For example, say someone is uneducated about actual issues, and is trained to believe what he or she is told. It would be easy to conceive of that person being duped by Rush's scare tactics.
Also, people like to dislike those unlike themselves. President Obama clearly does not fit the same profile of other American presidents. Limbaugh saw the opportunity to cash in on bigotry and small-mindedness. He feeds his gun-toting listeners unfounded propaganda to keep them scared and intolerant.
Keeping that in mind, we live in a country that allows for freedom of speech and self-expression. He has the right to say what he thinks necessary. We don't have to agree with his opinions or his perceptions of the world. For the sake of the Republican party, it'd be nice if they realized that they don't agree with him either.

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